Our Ratings

Remember - this is all just an opinion! Have your own, but use mine for some extra research when deciding how to spend your money. This is how I rate the games..

The highest rating - any game with a 'MUST BUY' rating is in my opinion one of the best games with this mechanic and/or in its genre.  No such thing as a perfect game, but I consider this game to be well and truly worthy of having a place in your collection as a definite purchase.

If you have been curious about this game - I'm here to tell you that you should 'BUY' it.  Whether its the game mechanics, art style, player count, play time etc, if there's any aspect of this game that is appealing to you already, it's a good game, trust your gut and get it.

Games that I play and enjoy - but won't rush to bring them to the table or recommend you buy before others. Normally a 'TRY' game is one that may be good, but just doesn't stand out for one reason or another, or are too similar to other board games that do it better.  If they are on sale, they would be worth trying for yourself as they can have a place in your library for the right time/people.

Although I am sure they exist, I am yet to come across a game that is completely terrible. Most games either have a target audience that clearly isn't me, or at least some redeeming factor, but if they were in my collection I'd 'SELL' them.  I'm far from saying this is the worst game in the world - but even just looking at the positives, if your looking for a new game I'd consider these games last.